Postikortti Japanista: Hana & Aoi

Elokussa lentokone kuljetti Essun majalle vieraita aina Japanista asti. Hana ja Aoi, nuoret japanilaissuunnistajat, viettivät useamman viikon vieraanamme nauttien Suomen maastoista, kauniista kesäkelistä sekä Essulaisten tarjoamasta yhteisöllisyydestä. Vierailu oli kokemisen arvoinen ja molemmat lupasivat innokkaasti vierailla Suomessa myös uudelleen, kukapa ei haluaisi nauttia kesän lämmöstä, laskevasta auringosta merellä sekä vähintäänkin jännittävistä reiteistä viikkotreeniin.

Tässä lyhyesti Hanan terveiset ja kotiin viedyt opit:

”I wanted to go to Finland because I want to run in WOC2025 in Finland. Then I contacted Jari Ikaheimonen, who is an acquaintance of my parents, to ask for help.
Thanks to him and Essu, I decided to go to Espoon Suunta and experience orienteering in finland with you.

I stayed in the clubhouse and did orienteering almost every day, sometimes twice a day by participating in the club practice or doing self-practice.
In addition I ran in four competitions on weekends. At first, I couldn’t understand what was written on the map (quite a difference from Japan), but finally I could read maps and make only small mistakes. It was great to challenge myself and try to keep up with the great training company.

The Finnish terrains are difficult for me because they are quite different from the Japanese terrains, but I always enjoyed orienteering and learned a lot.
I found it is especially important to read a map in detail many times and see the compass. I strongly want to run faster through this training.
I continue to train in Japan to be a fast orienteer. Thank you for every one who made us feel welcome and thanks for everything! I hope I see you again!”

Kiitokset vielä kaikille vapaaehtoisille ja urheilijoille, jotka tekivät Hanan ja Aoin reissusta ikimuistoisen!