Esittelyssä uusia eGroupin suunnistajia

Ensi kaudella eGroupiin liittyy aktiivisemmin taas muutama uusi kansainvälinen suunnistaja, joista osa on tosin käynyt kokeilemassa essun paidassa juoksemista lyhyesti jo 2015 kaudella. eGroupin keski-ikä on alle 20 vuotta, ja tuoreimmat uudet juoksijat tuovat edelleen vahvistusta tähän ikäryhmään. Ryhmän tärkein tavoite on edelleen nauttia yhdessä suunnistuksesta, tukea muita ryhmäläisiä ja kehittyä kansainväliselle tasolle toisiltaan oppien sekä kokemuksia jakaen. Tervetuloa pitämään hauskaa, kehittymään yhdessä , ja tavoittelemaan JWOC- ja viestimenestystä kaudella 2016, Mikhail, Kirill ja Vlad!

For the 2016 season the number of Essu eGroup runners will increase with additional 3 orienteers. The average age for our group will stay in under 20 years, and new members will strengthen our power in next season’s tough international competitions and relays. Main goals for eGroup will still be to enjoy orienteering team training, while learning from each other, supporting the team and develop on elite runner career path. Welcome to develop with other runners, enjoy eGroup team orienteering and wish you great JWOC- and relay success on 2016 season, Mikhail, Kirill and Vlad!


Mikhail Kuleshov


Main race distances: I run all distances equally.

Best achievements in 2015 season: EYOC 2015-Long 7th place, Sprint 4th place, Relay 3rd place in leg 3), Jukola 2015- 44 place in leg 2.

Other achievements: I have more 20 medals from Russian  Youth Championship, and 12 gold medals.

How much do you train a week: I train 9-11 times a week, but I don’t know how many times or hours training over a year.

My strong sides- fast speed in clean forest and roads.

Weak and strong sides: Strong side is fast speed in clean forest and roads. My weak sides is that I’m not always good orienteering in green forest. I’ll work on my orienteering technique.

Name of your coach: Leonid Novikov

…and finally, what is your favorite dish: My favorite food is vegetables pizza.

Kirill Komarov


Best achievements in 2015 season: 6th place – Junior European Cup in Germany(sprint), 5th place – EYOC in Romania (relay) , 1st place – Russian National Championship x 4 times

Main distances in orienteering: all distances

How much do you train a week: Now 10-15 hours of the week, winter to increase the number of hours per week to 15-18. I do a variety of running, strength and speed training both in the city and the forest.

Strengths and weaknesses: I need to run more in the forest and work with high-quality maps.

Name of your coach: Yury Agafontsev

What kind of training and other activities you expect Essu and the training team to provide you?

Training camps, international competitions.


Vladislav Malyshev


Best achievements in 2015 season: Russian junior championships 1:e  distance ”choice ” 4.11.15, Russian junior championships 1:e lång mass start

Other achievments: I have 18 medals from Russia junior championships: 11 gold medals and a medal from the Russian Championship in the two stage-relay.

Main orienteering disciplines:  Middle & long

Description of current training: Don’t score totally ,but about 10 trainings a week

My favorite dish is Borsch (Russian dish). It is the vegetable soup with plenty of beets, so it burgundy.

Strengths and weaknesses : Steep terrain is my best areas , but i have problems with a speed in sprint .

Name of your coach: Leonid Novikov

What kind of training and other activities you expect Essu and the training team to provide you?

I like to run mostly on the maps , and i like to use a lot of technically terrain , for level up my personal orienteering.